Anxiety and Worry

Classroom Accommodations for Anxiety

Classroom Accommodations for Anxiety provides educators with practical accommodations to support students who may be experiencing anxiety. Tips for providing emotional support, classroom scheduled, setup, routines, giving instruction, assignments, and introducing new concepts.

Minnesota Mental Health Fact

Minnesota Mental Health Fact sheets provide educators with an increased understanding of anxiety disorders, signs to look for in the school setting and accommodations.

Helping Traumatized Children Learn Volume 1 and Volume 2

Helping Traumatized Children Learn provides school leadership with a flexible framework to help create trauma-informed learning environments.

Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators

The Child Trauma Toolkit is a comprehensive guide for Educators. It provides educators with an understanding for what trauma may ‘look like’ in the school settings and actions to help students feel safe.

Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress

Tips to Manage Anxiety and Stress from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America provides educators with practical strategies to cope with anxiety.

A Compassionate Guide to Managing Anxiety Volume 2

A Compassionate Guide to Managing Anxiety Volume 2 from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America provides educators with practical strategies and supports to cope with anxiety.

SEL 3 Signature Practices PlayBook- CASEL

The SEL Signature Practices provides educators with explicit guidance in how to leverage and embes three core SEL practices (opening classroom engaging, and closing). These strategies can be used in both fact to face and virtual learning settings.