The following resources are designed to support families that have a child that is displaying challenging behaviors at home and/or at school. 

Resilience Guide for Parents & Teachers (Resilience from the APA From the American Psychological Association)

This site provides ideas to help build resilience. Resilience is the ability to adapt well to adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of stress.  Building resilience can help our children manage stress and feelings of anxiety and uncertainty.

 Child Mind Institute

This site is an excellent resource to help families understand mental health concerns, specific mental health disorders, evidence-based supports, and resources to help families advocate for their children.

NBC Parent Toolkit (November 2017) 

A video series: How parents can support kids’ social and emotional development

SEL 101 for Parents (2017)

An informational video to inform parents about social and emotional learning (SEL) in schools and provide them with insights into SEL in their own parenting practices in order to support their children’s social and emotional development. Also available in Spanish.

Responding to Challenging Behaviors

This resource provides families with strategies for working with and meeting the needs of a child that is displaying challenging behaviors.

Meeting Sensory Needs at Home 

Strategies and ideas to support the sensory needs of children.