Authentic Intellectual Work (AIW) is a framework which provides opportunity for educators across all content areas and across all grade spans to bring lessons, student work, and instruction to the team for improvement.
Need help with assessment? Looking for ways to work with the data you have gathered?
Computer Science
Computer science is understanding how and why technologies work, exploring whether and how technology could solve real-life problems, and the effects on society and the individual. Learning computer science means learning how to create new technologies, rather than simply using them.
Early childhood
It is our goal that every child beginning at birth will be healthy and successful and be ready to learn as they enter Kindergarten.
English learners
ELLs are the fastest growing population in US schools. Currently, Central Rivers AEA has over 3,500 ELLs whom speak more than 50 languages!
English Language Arts is the study and development of reading, writing, speaking, and listening effectively–enabling people to learn, think and communicate clearly.
Our goal is to improve student learning.
Multi-tiered systems of support
The MTSS process allows educators to evaluate the overall health of their system and target resources by providing the necessary data to determine which elements of the education system are performing adequately and which require further development.
Multi-tiered systems of support
Welcome to the Central Rivers AEA Science website. Here you will find information, resources, and tools to improve science education for all students.
Technology integration
The integration of technology happens at all grade levels and across subject areas, find out what you could be using to bring your classroom to the next level.