Why Self-Care is Important to Parenting

With all the roles parents and caregivers need to fulfill finding time to engage in self-care is hard. It is also necessary for our well-being and the well-being of our families. This resource from the Child Mind Institute acknowledges why self-care is essential and guidance of how to incorporate it in our daily lives.

Self-Care Apps/Resources

Need quick access to calming/coping strategies? This resource provides links to free apps and videos individuals can practice as they practice self-care

Self-Care for Kids: 8 Practical Ways to Promote your Child’s Mental Health on a Daily Basis

Self-Care for Kids is an excellent resources for parents to help support children’s self-care.

The Monday Refresh 

The Monday Refresh has lots of resources for breathing, mindfulness, etc.  Here is a good one page reminder of things people can do on Monday and all week long to reset

Portable Practices for Promoting Self-Care

Portable Practices is a great one page site that has some general self-care ideas and lots of good websites/podcasts where additional self-care ideas can be found.

Dealing with Constant Change

Dealing with Constant Change is a resource to for self care ideas, management for parents, and schools educators.