October Superintendent meeting materials

October’s Superintendents’ Meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 2 in the Central Rivers AEA Conference Center. Dr. Clayton Cook will be presenting to the superintendents on Nurturing & Responsive Environments that Promote Social & Emotional Well-Being from 9-11. The business meeting will be conducted after the presentation and lunch will be provided. Dr. Cook will be presenting to district staff in the afternoon from 1-3.

There have been some questions raised regarding registration for the Lead, Inspire, Innovate professional learning series when a speaker is presenting during the superintendents’ meetings. Superintendents do not need to register for the morning session and lunch is provided for the superintendents at no cost. If the keynote speaker is also presenting in the afternoon, members of the district’s administrative team and district staff are encouraged to register for the afternoon session for which there may be a fee.

When there is no afternoon presentation offered, superintendents are welcome to bring their administrative team with them but we ask that you email Lori Thomas (lthomas@centalriversaea.org) the names of those attending. Districts will be invoiced a fee for lunch for the staff attending with the superintendent – the superintendent’s lunch is provided.

Meeting Materials

Monthly Reports

Upcoming Meetings

  • November 2019 – No meeting and the Mini-Summit was cancelled due to low enrollment.
  • December 4, 2019 – Matt Beaudreau, Crossing the Generational Divide: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Generations for Empowered Leadership. There is no afternoon session offered so superintendents are welcome to bring members of their administrative team and should email Lori the names of those attending.
  • January 8, 2020 – Meetings will be held at the three community colleges. Details will be sent from the colleges closer to the date.
  • February 2020 – No meeting due to the advocacy event being held in Des Moines. The date will be available soon.
  • March 4, 2020 – Hamish Brewer, Be Relentless. There is no afternoon session offered so superintendents are welcome to bring members of their administrative team and should email Lori the names of those attending.
  • April 2020 – TBD
  • May 6, 2020 – Honor the retiring superintendents.