Learning Pathways: Taking a learner-centered approach.

What is a learning pathway?

Learning Pathways are organized learning experiences written in student-friendly language that provides choice, voice, and ownership for the learner. On a continuum of learner-centered approaches, pathways can start as teacher-created plans with choices embedded for the learner and advance all the way to co-designed experiences where the learner designs their pathway and the teacher coaches the learner in their next steps for learning.

Why did Central Rivers AEA create learning pathways?

  • Saves educators time so they can focus on instruction instead of finding and organizing materials
  • Serves as models for what learning can look like in face to face and remote environments

Learning pathways grid

Why use a learning pathway?

  • Increases learner engagement
  • Research-based strategies are embedded in this approach, especially student agency, feedback, and inquiry-based learning
  • Save time by having one pathway for learners in virtual, hybrid, and face to face environments
  • Seamlessly transition between learning models – it works for all models
  • Integrates content, skills, and dispositions (including social, emotional learning skills)

Find out more in the Why and How Behind Learning Pathways

How can educators access these learning pathways?

To utilize these learning pathways simply access this Google Drive folder, locate the subject, and sort by grade level. (Coming soon!)