Personalized PD
Jarod Bormann’s work at Professionally Driven has been a catalyst for many or our PPD teams. If you haven’t already, we recommend you check out his book for support as you begin your Personalized PD journey! Please contact your district’s Technology Integration Consultant for support exploring and implementing PPD in your building or district.
Your #ProDriven buddies
PPD School/Districts in CRAEA engaged in Personalized PD
North Tama Schools (K-12)
North Tama Schools PPD Website
2 hours once per month dedicated to PPD
1 session lasting 3 hours each month
Focus: Instructional Strategies
Hudson Elementary (PreK-6)
3 hours per month dedicated to PPD
2 sessions each month, one lasting 2 hours, one lasting 1 hour
Focus: Instructional Strategies
Gladbrook-Reinbeck MS/HS (7-12)
Gladbrook-Reinbeck District Website
(Using Google Drive)
1 hour per month dedicated to genius hour
1 session lasting 1 hour each month
Focus: Three Building Goals areas (Differentiation, Culture & Climate, & Value Beyond School)
Tripoli Schools (K-12)
(Using Google Classroom)
3 hours per month dedicated to PPD
1 session lasting 3 hours each month
Focus: Instructional Strategies
Connecting with Colleagues
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