Emerging Technology

Augmented and Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality and Google Expeditions


Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics or STEM requires integration across multiple disciplines, collaborative practice and instruction based on inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking skills.

Personalized PD

See what districts are doing to provide a personalized professional development experience for their teachers and some of the resources for their inspiration.

Integration and Planning Frameworks

TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge) and SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) are two frameworks that are useful for planning and evaluating how students are using technology in the classroom.

Computer Science & Coding

As computer science and coding continues to gain ground in schools, it can be tough to stay abreast of new developments in curriculum, extracurriculars, and requirements.

The Horizon Report

The Horizon Report is an annual report from the New Media Consortium and focuses on technology trends and developments and their impact on education.  The report organizes the topics based on their predicted adoption timeline; short-term, mid-term, and long-term adoption.