Teacher Leadership updates for 2021-22

The Central Rivers AEA TLC Advisory Team is planning four networking days during the 2021-22 school year. The first session will focus on use of instructional frameworks, SEL and the positives of PLCs.  More information and the links to register can be found online.

We are also offering Student-Centered Coaching learning opportunities during the 21-22 school year. If you are not sure which learning opportunity best fits you or your team, please contact Dr. Jo Prusha, Bradi Johnson, or Keith Halverson. We can help you determine the best course of action for you and your team.

There is one session left for Inspired Mentorship training on September 9-10, 2021. Also, each month the TLC Advisory Team helps develop a slide deck to use within district mentor meetings. The slide decks are meant to be a skeleton for what you may choose to present and focus on during your mentor meetings. Please know, we do not intend for you to use each slide, but rather to make a copy to make it your own. Feel free to use, delete, or modify based on your current needs and time frames. If you’d like to be added to the distribution list for these slide decks, please contact Dr. Jo Prusha.

The Central Rivers AEA TLC Google Group is a great way to stay connected to one another. Please use (crtlc@centralriversaea.org) to share information or ask questions. If you receive emails and don’t think you should be on the list, please let Jo know that you would like to be removed.  If you know of someone who would benefit from being included, let Jo know that also.

Central Rivers AEA is here to help support Teacher Leadership within our partner districts. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any one of us.  Thank you for all you do to support teaching and learning – we look forward to collaborating and learning with you this year!