Important info related to GOLD assessment

Mass archiving of the GOLD assessment will take place on August 15. Program staff will need to reactivate records for children returning for the 2022-23 school year. Please send inquiries and/or questions to Mary Breyfogle at the Iowa Department of Education. As a reminder, Iowa Code 279.60 requires the use of the GOLD Assessment in preschool programs. The Iowa Department of Education will now be using the GOLD Assessment for preschool age children as an accountability measure for activities in the Differentiated Accountability System and state level reporting.

Beginning in fall 2022, the cost per portfolio will increase by $0.47 going from $10.45 to the new price of $10.92; this rate will be reflected on renewal agreements issued this spring. Programs will continue to have unlimited archived files at no cost. Subscribers may visit the Teaching Strategies Iowa home page for more details.  Please send inquiries and/or questions to, Kimberly Villotti at the Iowa Department of Education.