Teacher Leadership update

This information and webinar guidance link are being sent to all Iowa school districts as guidance for completing the 2020-21 TLC End-of-Year Report, on the Iowa Department of Education Portal. The report is due on July 1, 2021.

This year’s report will follow the same format as the 2019-20 report, with the exception of some added fields to share information in regards to the district’s TLC Lead Contact, Superintendent, and the staff member filling out the report. We ask that the information be filled in for each field, even if the same staff member fills two or more of those positions.

Prior to organizing your TLC Team to view this guidance together, we encourage the districts to make copies of their 2019-20 reports to share for note taking. The guidance is an opportunity to review the process for creating and assessing quality goals, as well as the process for embedding the report with robust and meaningful data to support said goals.

This link will take your TLC Team to the Department’s TLC page, where you can access the TLC EOY Reporting guidance. There is also a copy of the slide show without the presentation that can be accessed for copies of the slides. Once on the link, click on End-of-Year Reporting in the light blue box, then click on 2020-21 TLC End-of-Year Reporting Webinar in the dark blue box to access the webinar and slide-show guidance.

If there are any further questions regarding this guidance, please feel free to contact Scott Dryer at 515-402-8700.