Upcoming opportunities for teacher leaders and school counselors

Looking for learning opportunities for teacher leaders and professional school counselors for the 2019-20 school year? 

  • Teacher Leadership Networking Opportunities – 2019-20
    • Four individual days focusing on building capacity on effective instructional practices for all roles within teacher leadership.  
  • Inspired Mentorship 2019-20
    • Inspired Mentorship is designed to prepare teacher leaders to serve as mentors or mentor facilitators in PK-12 school settings.
  • Professional School Counseling Networking Opportunities 2019-20
    • These two days are organized to support professional school counselors. An emphasis on collaboration with other school counselors in our area will be included.
  • Professional School Counselor Academy
    • During these four days of learning, participants will make connections between the ASCA Model, the MTSS process, and College and Career Readiness.

Please contact Jo Prusha with any questions.