A Team Representative is a licensed or endorsed professional that can provide educational services within the school setting. Team representative is a broad term that includes the following professionals:
- School Psychologists
- School Social Workers
- Special Education Consultants
What we do
The term team representative reflects a team approach where professionals can use their unique skills and training to help enhance educational outcomes. Each school in Central Rivers AEA has one or more team representatives: a School Psychologist, Social Worker, or Special Education Consultant. While they are the primary contact in a building, they have access to other professionals on a team for consultation or assistance.
While Team Representatives have different professional backgrounds, they are all trained to:
Work with students and families to:
- Evaluate eligibility for special education services
- Identify and address learning and behavior problems that interfere with school success
- Support students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs
- Assist in coordinating community support services
Work with teachers to:
- Help design individualized instruction that is effective for special education students
- Support implementation of academic and behavioral interventions
- Support implementation of student progress monitoring
- Assist with transitions throughout the school experience
- Identify accommodations, modifications, and assistive technology for students to be successful
Work with school districts to:
- Collect and analyze data related to school improvement, student outcomes, and compliance requirements
- Support the implementation of school-wide prevention programs that help maintain positive school climates
- Provide access to other support services that are available within the AEA system
Team representatives are often the primary contact families and schools have with AEA; they are an important part of our commitment to providing leadership in learning to the families and schools we serve.