The Central Rivers AEA consulting Special Education Nurses provide consultative support to Central Rivers AEA building support staff, local district/building staff, parents, and others involved in supporting children and adolescents with special health needs. Services provided include:
- Consulting and assisting AEA and LEA nurses and staff in the development of specialized health services when needed.
- Collaborating with agencies and other healthcare providers to promote continuity of services and enhance the students’ health outcomes.
- Providing consultation services to the LEA school nurse, staff, and IEP team on the development of Individualized Health Plans (IHP) for children with special health services.
- Coordinating and providing educational opportunities for LEA and AEA personnel on health related topics.
Special Education Consulting Nurses also provide information and support around the following:
- Waiver services (Ill & Handicap, Mental Retardation, Brain Injury, Children’s Mental Health).
- Offer direction on how to obtain pertinent medical and psychological records.
- Special medical needs (i.e., seizures, Duchene’s Muscular Dystrophy, allergies, diabetes).
- Medicaid requirements for the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and IHP.
- Developing IHP
- Assist school districts in contracting for nursing services.
- Advise on the Iowa Administrative Rules of Special Education as it relates to the rules and regulations for special health services.
- Local and state resources for children with special health needs.