What’s new in the Central Rivers AEA on-demand system?

What do you want to learn today? Check out the latest on-demand learning pieces by our Central Rivers AEA experts!

English Language Development: Social and Academic Language – Lisa Wymore & Annalisa Miner, Consultants for English Learners

  • Understanding a student’s English language development is the first step in planning appropriate instruction and supports. This video will assist educators in understanding the difference between social and academic language as well as the implications these hold for instruction.

Universal Constructs: Critical Thinking – Dana Harskamp & Kelly Gallagher, Consultants for School Improvement

  • Imagine an environment where learners question, engage, connect and think critically! Here is an overview of what exactly it means to think critically. This learning will help you begin to think about infusing these strategies into your own classroom. Through examples and connections to your own work, you’ll go on a critical thinking journey of your own!

Project-Based Learning in Early Childhood – Michelle Haberman & Jessie Blohm, Consultants for Early Childhood

  • Project-Based Learning provides a natural way to promote student agency, integrating curriculum and social-emotional learning for students. Teachers will learn more about key project-based learning practices and the 7 project design elements from Buck Institute of Education’s PBL Works. In the end, teachers will learn how to plan and carry out a project for their early childhood classroom.

Check out all our learning opportunities by visiting Central Rivers AEA LMS. Didn’t see what you were looking for? Provide us with feedback on the content you’d like to see in the LMS.