FastBridge registration is open until May 15

Iowa AEAs will be subsidizing the costs for schools to upgrade their DE-provided (K-6 literacy) FAST subscriptions. Fastbridge registration for this expanded assessment suite in math and behavior for grades K-6 and literacy, math and behavior for grades 7 and 8* is now open. Registration for these options will be open until May 15. Some important details to note:

  • Districts and schools wanting to use this expanded suite of assessments during the upcoming year must register before May 15, as there will be no mid-year registration options.
  • Participation is available both to schools that purchased the expanded assessment suite in previous years and those that want to use it for the first time in 2022-23.
  • Expanded assessments are optional and not mandated by state assessment requirements.
  • As your district and schools make decisions around potential use and adoption, you are encouraged to identify how resulting data will be used as part of your district or school’s comprehensive, balanced and aligned assessment system.
  • Districts and schools are to consider the professional learning that will need to occur with staff in regards to the standardized administration and scoring of these assessments as well as the analysis of the resulting data.
  • Registration is year to year. If you registered for and used the expanded assessment suite last year, you must once again register this year.

*There is an additional option to purchase FAST for grades 9-12. Email if you want to purchase seats for grades 9-12. This cost isn’t subsidized by the AEA system.


View the 2022-23 FastBridge Registration information document to assist in registration. If you have any questions regarding the FAST registration process, please reach out to your AEA Regional Administrator, school improvement consultant or Joe Kremer, Assessment Coordinator.