English Language Learner (ELL) entrance/exit procedures manual and home language survey now available!

The Iowa Department of Education has recently released a new entrance and exit procedures manual for English learners, as well as a new home language survey (HLS). (This was shared on March 4th at the CIA state network meeting.)

Update 1: The new HLS language changes will include:

  • This will allow districts to have all of their enrollments for the school year using the same enrollment form. This is specially designed to address the needs of districts using online registration.
  • FAQ: If districts have already started enrolling students for next year but have not been using the new HLS, do they need to redo the HLS using the new HLS?  The answer is NO, absolutely not. Districts must switch to capture as many students enrolling for the 22-23 SY with the new HLS. Districts should contact me (Pam McDonnell) with any questions.
  • Reminder: Districts must use the new HLS including all translations (English, plus 12 languages). Online implementation is fine including e-signatures but all translations must be included.
  • If you’re looking for the HLS, here is a brief video on how to access the HLS and required parent notifications.

The new HLS is effective beginning enrollment for the 2022-23 school year.

Update 2: Webinar

The Iowa Department of Education is working on a webinar entitled, “Standardized Entrance and Exit procedures for Iowa’s English Learners,” to highlight key steps and address some common misconceptions about particular protocols.

For questions, please contact Sarah Nelson, Director of IT/Special Programs (CF Office), Annalisa Miner, Consultant for English Language Learners, (Clear Lake Office), Lisa Wymore, Consultant for ELL (Marshalltown Office) or Pam McDonnell, Iowa Department of Education Consultant.