Professional school counseling networking day coming Feb. 25th

Our next Professional School Counseling Networking Session will be on Feb. 25, 2022. Important details are listed below:

  • Join us in Clear Lake, Marshalltown or Clear Lake
  • Register by visiting the login site and selecting section #: 307549
  • Our agenda includes:
    • Selecting evidence-based resources.
    • Legal do’s and don’ts of supporting students.
    • Using data to support students with intentionality.

Based on enrollment numbers at each location, we will meet from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at CRAEA Offices in Cedar Falls, Marshalltown and Clear Lake. We reserve the right to cancel a location based on a low number of participants registered for a particular site. Within our PL registration system, once you register for the section, there is a link to this Google form to let us know what location you will be joining us from. Contact Jo Prusha, Consultant for Educational Services, for more information.