Mystery Science course for educators will be available Feb. 6

Does your K-5 program utilize Mystery Science and are your teachers asking for ways to make the program more robust? Perhaps you have noticed that your science data indicates a need for going deeper into science instruction? Central Rivers AEA science consultants will be offering the course Beyond Mystery Science. This course is completed through Canvas, with a classroom coaching visit by one of the course instructors, so there is no out-of-classroom time for your teachers! During this course, teachers will:

  • Discover more about the extensions offered by Mystery Science.
  • Learn supplementation ideas to push students into deeper scientific understanding.

The course begins Feb. 6, and educators should look for course #190668, via the AEA Online Learning site. For more information or questions on how to sign up for the course, please contact Mandie Sanderman and Chelsie Byram, Central Rivers AEA science consultants.