November Webinar Series: Mindframes for Teaching and Leading


Join us for a Webinar Series titled What Matters Most: Mindframes for Teaching & Leading!

When: Tuesday, November 9th at 4:00-4:30 PM (via Zoom) 

Description: Mindframe 3-I collaborate with my peers and my students about my conceptions of progress and my impact.  In this webinar, you will learn how collaboration with peers and students can shape your beliefs about progress and impact.. You’ll leave with a clear vision, fresh perspective, and highly practical strategies for immediate application.  

Register in advance 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Can’t attend live? No problem! Register anyway, and we’ll send you the recording to view at your convenience. 

This webinar is part two of a 10-part, 30-minute webinar series where we’ll unpack each of the 10 Mindframes for Teaching and Leading, one at a time.  Register for the entire series here

Please submit any questions regarding this opportunity to Kelly Westley at or Kelsey Bowers at

We look forward to collaborating soon!

CRAEA Literacy Consultants