Educators connect via zoom for Central Rivers AEA Virtual Literacy Summit

Central Rivers AEA Virtual Literacy Summit – August 10, 2021

More than 80 educators from across the Central Rivers AEA service territory connected via zoom this week for a free, jam-packed day of literacy learning! Participants selected sessions that met their individual interests, schedules and needs. Sessions were hosted using one of two formats:

  1. Interactive style
  2. Webinar style

The sessions were targeted at PreK-12 audiences. Topics included:

  • Dyslexia
  • Foundational skill instruction
  • Cross-disciplinary connections
  • Strategies for English-language learners

What our participants had to say:

  • “Thank you so very much for hosting this event virtually and for FREE! It allowed me to participate and further my knowledge and understanding of literacy research and practices.”
  • “Great information! It was also nice to have it through zoom.”
  • “The expert personal attention to questions, selection of quality shared resources, and practical research/evidence-based information provided in this professional development is greatly appreciated.”
  • “I love the format of choosing sessions. It is a great way to get updated information out to teachers!”
  • “Appreciated the flexibility of choice and the format was user-friendly!”

Miss the event and want to access recordings?

Register for free access to all sessions!
Course Title: CRAEA Recorded ZOOM Aug 10 2021
Course Number: 201422, Section Number: 308370

Check out related upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities:


For more information, please contact Amy Moine, Director of Professional Learning.