School Counselor networking opportunities

Welcome to the 2021-22 school year!  We have a few things to share as we start the new year.

  • Central Rivers AEA has created a Google Group just for school counselors.  This Group is a great way to stay connected to one another and can be used to share information or ask questions. The email address to use is  If you receive an email and don’t think you should be on the list, please let us know and we will remove your name. Likewise, let us know if there is someone to be added.  Contact Dr. Jo Prusha, Consultant for Educational Services for assistance or questions.
  • The Central Rivers AEA Counselor Advisory Team is planning two networking days during the 2021-22 school year and more information & registration links can be found online.  All are welcome to attend and the first session will focus on learning more about 504’s, IEP’s and working with our CRAEA teams. We will also have a session on learning more about working with LBGTQ students. Register for the session that works best for you.
  • If you’d like to be part of the CRAEA Counselor Advisory Team, please contact Dr. Jo Prusha.  Newsletters are sent monthly and if you have information to share with the team, we will be happy to add it to the newsletter.

Central Rivers AEA is here to support and serve school counselors and student services within your districts. We appreciate each one of you for all you do to support your districts, your students, your families, and your communities. We look forward to collaborating and learning with you this year!