PREPaRE workshops to be offered this fall

The PREPaRE curriculum has been developed by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).  PREPaRE training is ideal for schools committed to improving and strengthening their school safety and crisis management plans and emergency response.  PREPaRE trains school-employed mental health professionals and other educators how to best fill the roles and responsibilities generated by their membership on school crisis response teams.

Schools play a critical role in crisis prevention and response, meeting not just the needs of students but also of staff and families.  To serve this function, schools must have crisis plans and teams in place that encompass preparedness, prevention, response and recovery, both short- and long-term. School safety and crisis teams must be adequately trained in terms of types of crises, systems, procedures, and the unique mental health needs that can arise as the result of a crisis.

PREPaRE Workshops 1 and 2 are for multi-disciplinary teams of mental health and educational professionals working at all grade levels in districts, such as administrators, security professionals, counselors, teachers, nurses, and other staff involved in school safety/crisis prevention/crisis preparedness efforts.

For more information please view the attached flyers.

Please contact Kandi Bienfang-Lee, School Social Worker for more information or with any questions.