Pear Deck partnership 2021-22

The AEAs will be providing Pear Deck for ALL Iowa schools for the 2021-22 school year. There are two key steps needed from each district to ensure you receive all the support needed for success next year.

  1. Each district needs to select a Pear Deck ambassador.

This individual will be invited to an inclusive training event hosted by Pear Deck.  We have limited enrollment, so we are looking for an individual who has experience with Pear Deck and is a leader within your organization.  This ambassador program helps recognize Iowa educators who are using Pear Deck and brings them together to share ideas and resources.  The goal of the ambassador is to take their new learning back to their districts to share with others.  Nominate a Pear Deck Ambassador to join by completing this form by June 4, 2021.

  1. Each district needs a Subscription Manager.  

This individual will become the point of contact for the district and will receive the admin newsletter.  These individuals will be provided with administrator access and will have the ability to access high-level usage data on the Pear Deck dashboard.  They also will help integrate Pear Deck with the district’s LMS system (Canvas/Schoology) and restrict student access to a domain.  Complete this form to indicate your district’s subscription manager by June 15, 2021!

Please note that these two roles may be held by the same individual or two separate people.  Additional information is provided within this document.

If you have any questions, please contact Cari Teske, Central Rivers AEA Teacher Librarian.