Virtual learning for students with disabilities on snow days

At the beginning of the year, IEP teams determined if a student could be taught virtually and what the virtual learning would look like on Page I of the IEP. These determinations should be followed on virtual snow days the same as they would be for any day of virtual learning. If Page I of the IEP indicates a student can not learn virtually and needs to be face to face, this has to be carried out on a virtual snow day if you are counting this as a school day for all students.   Sending packets home for a child to complete would not count as specially designed instruction for the child.  If there is a snow day and you choose to go virtual for that day and a student can not access his/her specially designed instruction, the instructional time outlined for that student on the IEP will need to be made up.

Following page I of the IEP and what the team decided will be the way to carry out services for a child anytime there is virtual learning.  

Please contact Amy Knupp, Executive Director of Special Education, with questions.