Connecting students to careers

Do you have a job you love?  Are you willing to visit with a teacher, a student, or maybe even a whole class about your profession?  If so, we’d love to add you to our database of Career Connections!  Please note that all contact would be conducted through Zoom, Google Meet, email, etc and you can select the grade levels that you would be willing to converse with.

CareerWe often have teachers who have a student, or a whole class that might be interested in a particular field of study and seeks out contact in that field.  Sometimes, we have a single student who is passionate about an area that might not be covered in the curriculum and they would like to connect with a professional in that area.  Other times, it might be students considering their future careers and wanting to see what career options they might want to consider.

It is our hope to have a wide variety of career options as well as skilled hobbies in our database for students and teachers to reach out to when the need arises to connect their learning to the work that occurs in the professions supported by the learning.  As we look to have students future-ready, we want to assist with the students having a clear understanding of what their future might look like in regards to career and application of their learning and passion areas.

If you are willing to serve as a contact for a teacher, student, or class, please fill out this Google form to be entered into the database that will be shared with educators.  We thank you in advance for considering this opportunity to assist students with learning more about professions and careers.