Social-Emotional-Behavioral health resources for back-to-school

Preparing for “returning to learning” has been a difficult and challenging process for many educators, parents and students.  While much attention has been devoted to the academic and health safety needs of students, we must not forget about the Social-Emotional-Behavioral Health (SEBH) needs of our students, families and even educators as well.  If you are looking for some already developed and vetted SEBH resources and supports, you are encouraged to take a look at the state’s SEBH Return-to-Learn Google site.  

Of particular interest might be the newly developed infographic which provides an overview of the social-emotional-behavioral health modules that highlight critical considerations for starting the school year. Engaging in any of these modules will help staff learn more about the initial steps to take in the fall to provide universal strategies to support social-emotional-behavioral health of staff, students, and families.  Although each module was developed to be used as a stand-alone, self paced module taking less than 30 minutes to complete,  these modules (especially the module entitled: Well-Being and Self Care) could also be easily incorporated into district or building pre-service professional development opportunities where small groups of staff interact collectively around the content.  At the current time, four out of the six modules are complete and ready to be used, with the remaining two modules coming soon.  Check it out!

For additional information, please contact your AEA Regional Administrator or School Improvement Consultant assigned to your district.