2020-21 Early Literacy implementation guidance and resources

Recently (July 9, 2020), the Iowa Department of Education released a document entitled 2020-21 Early Literacy Implementation GuidanceThis document provides a summary of ELI requirements, expectations and recommendations for the upcoming 2020-21 school year.  Additionally, this document identifies that each school is required to submit (using CASA) their default K-6 literacy selections for the 2020-21 school year by July 31, 2020.  A companion document entitled: K-6 Literacy Default Assessment Collection Instructions 2020-21 has also been developed.

Given the fact that our universal screening and progress monitoring activities for this upcoming year will likely be different due to the possibility of students engaging in some sort of distance learning throughout the year, a resource document has been developed to assist you and your staff in navigating this reality.  This document, organized in a FAQ format, contains several relevant universal screening and progress monitoring professional learning resources that can assist you and your staff in getting prepared for this upcoming year.  All of the resources in this document have been selected from the FastBridge Learning data system’s Knowledge Base.

If you have questions or need specific support with respect to these activities, feel free to contact your AEA Regional Administrator or School Improvement Consultant assigned to your district or Joe Kremer (jkremer@centralriversaea.org