Well-Being conference set for June 8

Save the date! The CRAEA Well-Being conference has been set for June 8 from 8:30 am-4 pm at Central Rivers AEA Cedar Falls Office. This conference will focus on building educators’ and school-based mental health professionals’ toolboxes to support the social, emotional, behavioral and mental health needs of both students and educators. The conference will also focus on building resilience through developing social and emotional skills for students and adults. Our keynote speaker is Amanda Goodman. Amanda is the Executive Director of Family & Children’s Council of Black Hawk County. She a a strong advocate for children and focuses her work on child abuse prevention, bullying prevention and strengthening children and families.

As part of the conference, we would like to include presenters with various perspectives. All breakout sessions will be 75 minutes in length with an option for mini-sessions.  Breakout sessions designed as mini sessions will have multiple presenters.

If you are interested in presenting, please submit your proposal via the attached form. All proposals are due by February 14, 2020.

Notification of accepted proposals will be sent February 29, 2020.

Please feel free to share this and the Save The Date with others who may be interested!

Want to attend the Well-Being Conference?

Please register at https://aealearningonline.org

Course#  182386

Section# 274795

We look forward to you joining us in June! For more information, contact Dana Miller at dmiller@centralriversaea.org.