Using competency-based pathways for high school credits

How can we use the flexibility already in Iowa Code to provide students with high school credit for authentic learning experiences that are happening outside of the traditional classroom? This workshop is targeted at high school principals, counselors, and central office staff making decisions about master schedules.

February 5th, 2020 9 am – 3 pm

(9am – noon will be hands-on learning experiences, and the afternoon will be team time that can be personalized to meet the team’s needs.)

Note: once you register, there is an option to receive a zoom link to attend remotely for the morning only.

Outcomes for all (morning session):

  • I understand how Iowa Code allows for CBE pathways for student learning.
  • I can access the Future Ready Iowa Project Clearinghouse and find work-based learning projects for students in my district.
  • I can think of different ways to embed CBE pathways into our school’s master schedule.

Additional outcomes (optional as part of the afternoon session):

  • I can work with my team to develop a master schedule that includes courses offered through CBE pathways.
  • I can connect our CTE plan and work based learning experiences using CBE pathways.
  • I can identify instructional methods and strategies that support authentic, community based learning experiences for students.
  • I can answer questions about how CBE pathways affect things like transcripts, eligibility, and other district specific policies
  • I can connect our work in standards-based learning practices and how new courses might be offered with CBE guidelines.

Contact Jen Sigrist for more information.

Register using Course #182261 CR in the AEA Professional Learning System.