EdCamp for Classroom Management to be held August 9 and 12

Increasingly, teachers and administrators are asking for support and resources to assist with classroom management. In response, Central Rivers AEA has developed an Ed Camp with student well-being and mental health in mind.

During the Edcamp, participants are empowered to identify topics of interest and participate in conversations with colleagues, learning from the experiences and expertise of one another. The Classroom Management Edcamp is based on a modified model.  

In the morning, participants will participate in one of two sessions: 


  • Classroom Management: The Basics
  • Classroom Management: Beyond the Basics


In the afternoon, participants will identify session topics based on their passions, interests, and questions.  These sessions will be facilitated conversations during which we will be invited to discuss our experiences and expertise, share resources, and learn from one another.  Examples of topics that may be discussed in the afternoon include drill down suggestions, classroom management assessments, class-wide interventions, and MTSS system considerations.

Join us for an exciting and empowering day of learning!

Dates/Times/Locations: August 9, 2019,  9 am – 3 pm, Cedar Falls

Course #179953; Section: 271989

August 12, 2019, 9 am – 3 pm, Clear Lake

Course #179953; Section: 271990

Facilitators:  AEA staff with experience in the topic areas

Cost:  No fee

Registration:  Course # 179953

Questions? Contact Dana Miller or Karen Aldrich

Resource: Flyer for MTSS for Well-Being & Classroom Management