Comprehensive literacy & implementation support just a phone call away

Buildings, at all levels, that are working to increase knowledge around best practices in comprehensive literacy are encouraged to talk to their regional administrator, literacy or school improvement consultant about the supports available through CRAEA. In addition to quality professional learning that can be tailored to district needs, support to collect implementation data through an electronic tool called KickUp is available. Literacy consultants, in collaboration with the building administrator, collect observation data and work with your building’s leadership team to analyze the data collected.  Use of the tool and process also helps to build the administrator and coach’s understanding of literacy at a deeper level.

This brief video gives a description of the data that is collected and how it can be used to support next steps within the building. Districts that have partnered in the work describe how it has helped to move implementation at an individual and system level. In addition, this document provides more information about the learning and study of implementation. If you have any questions please contact your literacy consultant, regional administrator or Kim Swartz at 641-844-2477.