Two opportunities to join unique EdCamp experiences

Join us on Saturday, February 23, 2019, as we carry the banner for Iowa students at our statewide UNconference, #EdCampIowa. EdCamp is like nothing in education you’ll ever experience.  It’s a Saturday where excited, passionate educators gather together to share and learn at a common location, while sharing what they’re learning on Twitter (if you can’t attend, you can follow #EdCampIowa–the conversations always continue there).

For more information, contact Jo Prusha:

Central Rivers AEA Instructional Technologists are hosting a Makerspace EdCamp on March 30th!  We are looking to bring educators together that have makerspaces they have already established, are just getting started, and are thinking about establishing a makerspace in their district!

What is a Makerspace EdCamp? An EdCamp is a place to network through discussions, thinking, and problem-solving.  An agenda will be established in the morning based on issues that YOU would like to discuss related to makerspaces.  It is NOT a sit and get professional development, rather YOU are the facilitator guiding the conversation.

Date: March 30, 2019
Location: TBA-Cedar Valley area
Time: 9 am until 1 pm

Come join us and share your expertise and learn from other educators that are looking for ways to build student creativity and voice into their school day!  To register please fill out this form!  

Questions? Contact:

Ashley Flatebo:


Cari Teske: