When to respond to controversial comments on social media

Social media can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to communicating. It provides school leaders with direct channels of communication to parents and community members and control over the frequency and type of message. But with these advantages come obvious challenges–including unsolicited, and often inaccurate comments regarding school district staff, decisions, students, and others. This is especially difficult when comments center around sensitive topics that have previously felt impossible to respond to due to the confidentiality involved.

In his December article in the SAI Update, SAI Legal Director Matt Carver, provides new insight in approaching these situations including advising school leaders to consider correcting the facts when able or sharing “the other side of the story” in carefully worded responses. Knowing when to do this and just what to say can be tricky. This social media flow chart provides guidance on which types of comments are productive to respond to and which ones are better left alone. Need help with wording or want a second set of eyes on a response you are considering? Contact Beth Strike for assistance.