AEA System Update

December 2018 Update for Superintendents

Legislative Advocacy Event – Feb. 4-5, 2019

Iowa’s AEAs will host the Legislative Advocacy Event on Feb. 4-5, 2019 at Prairie Meadows. Registration and more details available at: Registration deadline is Jan. 30.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey by Jan. 18. Information from this survey will be used to create talking points for our time with legislators.

Iowa Leadership Academy

Dates and locations have been secured for the Iowa Leadership Academy.

Des Moines Area Community College – Ankeny

June 17-18, Aug. 5-6, Oct. 8, and Jan. 14

Central Rivers AEA – Cedar Falls

June 19-20, Aug. 7-8, Oct. 9, and Jan. 15

Sioux City (Site TBD)

June 24-25, Aug. 12-13, Oct. 10, and Jan. 16

Look for more details, including registration links, in mid-December.

AEA Customer Satisfaction Survey Has Launched

Please encourage your staff to participate in the AEA Customer Satisfaction Survey from Iowa’s Area Education Agencies (AEAs). This survey is designed to help us better understand stakeholder awareness of and satisfaction with AEA services. Your feedback is critical to ensuring that we continue to provide quality services to local schools. The survey will close on Dec. 14.

Executive Director Search

The Executive Director position has been posted. Application deadline is Jan. 18.


ESSA designations will be out between December 3-14.