Moving beyond power and control with challenging students

Join us on Dec. 4 with Dr. Ablon for this overview of Collaborative Problem Solving as an approach to support students with Behavioral Challenges.  Think:Kids teaches a revolutionary, evidence-based approach called Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) for helping children with behavioral challenges. Through training, support and clinical services, it promotes the understanding that challenging kids lack the skill, not the will, to behave well – specifically skills related to problem solving, flexibility and frustration tolerance.  Unlike traditional models of discipline, the CPS approach avoids the use of power, control and motivational procedures and instead focuses on building helping relationships and teaching at-risk kids the skills they need to succeed.  This overview will serve as the prerequisite at 50% of the cost for anyone interested in continuing on to the next levels of this training to become a certified trainer in Collaborative Problem Solving for their school.

For more information, contact Dr. Dana Miller, Central Rivers AEA School Psychologist.

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